HR24 Training management

HR24 Training management is the module dedicated to the assignment and automatic monitoring of training courses for personnel.
The training courses are linked to the type of job (forklift operator, painter, VDU operator...) or assignment (first aid, PPSM - Prevention and Protection Service Manager...) with which each resource can be associated. Other courses can be assigned upon decision of the company.
In addition, each course is linked to one or more dedicated offices, training bodies and teachers.
The total list of courses to be taken can be viewed in the employee's personal data filtered by:
Participation date

Thanks to the Memorandum Book, the Personnel Department can view course planning and incoming deadlines.
All the resources involved (employee, manager, teacher, structure...) are notified of the activation and planning of the course by sending automatic and scheduled emails.
- Automated management of training courses according to the type of job or assignment of the employee
- Memorandum book for an updated check
- Possibility to attach documentation (certificates, photos...)
- History of courses held, passed or to be repeated
- ND24 web presence detection module of the ND24 Suite
- HR24 DOCUMENTS allows you to attach documents to the ND24 registry, giving them a description and a reference date. If you also have the Memorandum Book module, the deadlines of the documents will be displayed together with the other dates.
- HR24 MEMORANDUM BOOK allows you to monitor all the dates entered on ND24 registry in a single screen: hiring, resignation, courses, visits, document renewals attached (if HR24 Documents module is enabled) and other custom date fields.