Emergency Assembly Point - automated management of the evacuation procedures

The system identifies who is still in the affected building or have reached Evaplan, the emergency assembly point, listed by employees and visitors.
The automatic system allows to call the roll of those present and to print out a list of those absent to be handed over to the fireman in order to find the people to be rescued.
Decree 81/2008, regulatory reference for safety and health in the workplace, states that the employer must take all appropriate measures to ensure that all workers are trained, informed and adopt the necessary protections to work safely. A fundamental aspect is the control of the situation as for the persons present in real time in case of emergency.
The emergency plan must set up a system to call workers and immediately identify any missing persons to be rescued.
Thanks to EvaPlan, you can punch your "escape" without waiting for a report and having the situation updated in real time.
In an emergency situation, the personnel will have to leave, converge at the muster points and swipe their badge at the terminals, thus excluding themselves from the roll call of those absent.
EvaPlan does not consider only staff who have badges: visitors and those who are exempt from punching in their badges, such as executives and managers, can also declare that they are safe by accessing the name list and selecting their name. This is thanks to EvaPlan integration into the broader context of Sesamo Access Control, through which every access within the company is registered and traced.
Muster points can be dynamic, i.e. automatically defined according to the area in which the employee is located at the time of the emergency.