PDM - Manual Distribution Software for big size and low-rotation objects
The Sesamo Dispenser Module can be completed by a further software functionality consisting in allowing a manual management of the delivery of the PPEs.
Connected to the user's (users’) PC dealing with the delivery of the PPEs, a reader of magnetic cards or Transponder, with USB interface and suitable firmware is interfaced. The user, at this stage, can enter the programme with his own Username and Password and use the USB reader to read the personal employee's badge. In this way, he will have access to the database of the employee and he will be able to see the list of the PPEs that can be delivered according to the typology of the developed task.
The registration takes place as for TomWork distributor, with the addition to be able to manage for some PPE typologies (clothing, shoes, helmets, etc.) an expiration date and size, useful to carry out some reports on occasion of the stock reorders or signal the approach of the date of replacement of the Personal PPE.
OBJECT RESERVATION: At the Manual Distribution Point it is now possible to collect the articles booked through the TomWork Personal Storage Machine. TomWork.